We've officially hit insanity time in our
neighborhood, as school winds down and all the obligatory parties
and celebrations come with it.
This week alone, we've got Cora's end-of-year party (preschool
ends three weeks earlier than public school) today, which
unfortunately conflicts with Maddie's class kickball tournament,
so I'm hitting Cora's party while Mom cheers Maddie on. As well
this morning Cora is celebrating her upcoming birthday in her
school - since it's after school is out - so this morning will
find me bringing a dozen and a half mini-cupcakes to her class and
reading one of her favorite books aloud while the four-year-olds
get sugared up for the day.
Then tomorrow is Cora's preschool graduation, and yes, I rolled my
eyes too. Before they started weeping when I watched Maddie
"graduate" two years ago. So tomorrow's Cora's last day of school
- don't get me started on my baby growing up - and I'll pull
Maddie out for the graduation ceremony and luncheon, then take her
back for the remainder of the day.
The Friday is Cora's birthday, so you can imagine how that will
go: lots of running and crafting and bouncing and probably
And sugar.
And we put a huge button on the end of this week with Cora's
blowout birthday party on Saturday - she and several of her friends
will be putting on a mini version of the Nutcracker at my theatre
school on the big stage. To call this a huge undertaking is an
understatement. But you only turn five once.
Tired? A little. But it keeps me from thinking about all the
milestones we're hitting this week.
And then, of course, there's next week: Maddie's class party,
Maddie's field day at school, Cora's summer vacation starts,
ballet recital . . .
I'll think about all that later.