Whatever It Takes
So we’ve finally come up with a few tricks that make the colic if not banished, at least bearable. One is the Baby Bjorn, which my girlfriend Rebecca recommended for colic. If we lose this I will break down sobbing. And it has to be the Bjorn; I’ve tried the sling a few times and that simply makes her very angry. And you don't want to see her very angry.
I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that we've got about 9 more weeks of this to go. I honestly wept when my girlfriend Abby gave me the typical colic timetable. According to most books, we aren’t even peaking yet!!!! I am convinced the parental brain must release some sort of amnesiac hormone when the baby’s older to make you forget all of this. Otherwise everyone would be an only child. I suspect my theory’s true, since when I was describing my nightly circuit path of nonstop pacing to Abby, she said slowly, “I remember doing that now. I’d forgotten all about that until you described it. Oh yeah, I remember colic.” Not the best timing for her, since she’s 5 months pregnant. It probably would have been better for her to remain blissfully unaware until she was in the midst of it herself. Now she has something to look forward to!
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