Do They Make Infant Rolaids?
Hooray! Hooray! It’s not just colic! My daughter has an actual medical condition!!!
I never thought I’d be so happy to find out she’s got something going on, but to me diagnosable = treatable = more sleep for mommy and daddy.
We took Madeleine for her 4-week checkup today and the pediatrician said it sounds like reflux, since 1) she cries all day, not just at night, and 2) she cries in the midst of a feeding, arching her back. She said it could also be a food intolerance so I’ll start leaving things out of my diet, but we’re getting Madeleine on Zantac right away. We're also trying non-medical help like putting her bassinet at a slight angle and nursing her vertically instead of lying on her back or side. She’s starting off to be a typical New Yorker, stressed and full of heartburn.
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