Appliances' Greatest Hits
Under the “Who Knew?” category –
After complaining about Madeleine’s all-day crying jags to my girlfriend Renee, I learned yet another fussy baby trick. Seems that sometimes fussiness is just from sensory overload, and oddly enough white noise somehow helps press a “reset” button on baby. Renee discovered the sound of the hairdryer or vacuum worked wonders with her son Eli, and since her husband’s a record producer with an in-home studio, he made a CD of the noise for them to play. Next time Maddie started up and couldn’t stop, we went into a dark bathroom and ran the hairdryer. It worked like a charm, and she even fell asleep. The running faucet worked just as well, but I think I’ll use the CD rather than run up a high utilities bill! Girlfriend knowledge strikes again.
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