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Bring On The Stinky Onions

The croup is making its rounds here, and
between that and walking pneumonia I’ve given the following
homeopathic help out so much that onion farmers are lining up to be
my very own political action committee. So I thought I’d post
it up here and share the love.

For the record, I didn’t make this up. I first read about
this over a year ago on Keeper of the Home, and before that we
probably had a few hundred thousand people do it back when people
didn’t have instant access to a CVS and looked in their back
yards for some relief.

And finally for the other record, I’m not a doctor, so
don’t listen to me. You know what I mean. If you or your kid
has a medical issue, seek professional help and for heaven’s
sake don’t say “But this chick I read on the internet
said to . . . .”

With the caveats out of the way, here goes.

You’ve got walking pneumonia and
your lungs sound all spongy and full. Or your child has croup and
is barking all night long. Or you’ve had some virus that is
causing you to cough and stay up into the wee hours and
you’re dying for some relief. What’s a girl to do?

Head to the kitchen.

Listen, this is the easiest homeopathic remedy in my laminated book
(yes, there is a book. Yes, it’s laminated. Surely
there’s a homeopathic remedy for the obsessive need to
organize and laminate). Get an onion, cut it up into slices, and
sleep with the bowl next to your bed. You’ll breathe easier
overnight, and in the morning your lungs will feel better.

How does this work? I know that when you cut an onion, a chemical
is released that makes you cry, right? Well, that same chemical has
mucho healing properties. So breathe deep, my friend.

I promise, this works. My kids now beg for an onion in their rooms
if they’re ailing. I just shove mine through my food
processor and the whole thing takes five seconds. Sure, the bedroom
smells like a burger joint in the morning, but your kid’s
breathing easier, and that’s worth a little fast-food stink,

This doesn’t work for some kinds of coughs, I’ve found.
If I’ve had bad allergies and lots of drainage down my throat
that gives me a sore throat, which then starts tickling as it heals
and causes me to cough, the onion doesn’t work as well. But
if it’s anything in my lungs, or any germ that’s caused
the cough itself, I swear I can breathe easier with the onion next
to me. A friend of mine tried this and her visiting dad ate the
onions the next morning for breakfast – waste not, want not.

You don’t have to do that.

So keep a big onion on hand for the next time Junior starts barking
or whooping or even some kind of boring cough.

I promise you’ll be glad you did.


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