I had a bad day yesterday.
For a variety of reasons, none of which had anything to do with my
kids, a really bad day. Let’s just leave it at that.
After dinner, I fled the house to run errands, leaving my husband
to put the girls to bed while I got some space to mentally process
what was going on. By the time I came home, the girls were in bed,
but not asleep. Cora called me upstairs for a cuddle.
I snuggled into the bed next to my girl, spooning with her and
breathing in her baby smell on the back of her neck. She sighed
happily and patted my hand, and I couldn’t take any more.
“I love you so much, kiddo, some days I don’t think my
heart will be big enough to contain all that love,” I
whispered to her.
Not at all surprised, Cora replied, “Yep, your love just gets
bigger and bigger until there’s no room in your heart for
more, and so your heart starts stretching and stretching and going
all throughout your body.”
Excited now, Cora turned to me and continued. “And the love
flows everywhere, and soon there’s so much of it that
there’s no room in your body for anything else. So all the
crabbiness, all the sadness, all the tired Mommy stuff just gets
pushed out of your body and you’re full of love!” And
she rolled back over, content, and sighed into sleep.
And my day was redeemed.
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