Little Pitchers And Their Big Ears
Cora’s doing very well right now
with the potty thing. Occasionally she’ll need to get up in
the night to potty, and it’s a big production: first she has
to find her bedside flashlight (to keep away monsters), then move
back her big body pillow (aka monster barrier), then come and tell
Mommy and Daddy, then go pee.
And that, you know, takes time. So when she went through all that
last night, the time taken was precious, and Cora ended up not
quite making it to the potty, instead peeing on the bath mat right
in front of the toilet.
This is not such a big deal – her accidents are pretty
infrequent now – but Brian, the parent who got up with her,
said it was actually quite cute. Apparently, as the pee ran
disappointingly down her leg, Cora looked at the mat and said,
“Well, shoot a pickle.”
Which is one of my parentally-censored “cuss phrases” I
say around the kids.
So if you hear a three-year-old saying “Dag-nabit” or
“Jumpin’ Jehosaphat”, you’ll know she (and
the phrase) are mine.
Could be worse, right?