Pass the Frozen Peas
Let’s talk for a sec about what I’d like to call the big breastfeeding lie: “Breastfeeding shouldn’t hurt!” I’m not afraid to admit it; I’m ten days into this thing and my nipples are killing me!!!! And before you all start typing your replies, sending me advice about having an expert observe me and it’s probably Madeleine’s latching, let me just tell you that I’ve been observed by the hospital staff, my OB, Madeleine’s pediatrician, a consultant, and a fellow mother, all of whom tell me Madeleine’s a pro at this and we’re doing everything right. But I’ve got blood blisters on each side, and it hurts almost unbearably each time she latches on and starts to eat.
The pain subsides as nursing continues, and I know that this won’t last forever, but right now I can’t believe how painful it is. My girlfriend Abby recommended SOOTHIES, for which I am ever grateful; I’ve got two pairs that I keep in the freezer, and apply a pair after I finish nursing; they send my nipples into numb and blissful oblivion. And I’m using the LANSINOH lanolin after every feeding, so hopefully that will help speed the healing. But this is so painful I can barely tolerate nursing pads in my bra, and as a matter of fact can’t put up with anything except the LANSINOH ULTRA SOFT PADS; all the others feel like 100 thread-count all-polyester sheets up against my sensitive skin. Geeze Louise, this is hard.
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