Yesterday morning was a very hard morning for getting to school,
wasn’t it? You decided to walk, and when Cora opted to ride
her scooter and you realized Cora would be (gasp!) ahead of you,
well, you didn’t like that. You took off running, trying
– and succeeding, for a block – to be even with/ahead
of Cora, even as she tried her hardest to get out in front for
once. When I saw you running so hard ahead of your sister, after
you’d just said your legs were too tired to ride a bike, my
heart broke a little bit. It broke for Cora, certainly, who looks
up to you so much, and feels the weight of being the youngest in
the family – which means she’s never as fast as you,
never knows as much math, never reads books as big as yours –
and who just wanted to be first down the path to school. For once.
Every other time she’s ridden her scooter, she’s had to
ride behind you on your bike – and be reminded once again
that she can’t ride a bike, can’t keep up with you.
Even if she starts out first on the sidewalk, you come up behind
her, ringing your bell and saying, “Excuse me, Cora,
you’re going too slow.” Today was Cora’s chance
to be the leader, to know what it feels like to have some quiet
time and get to the stop sign first, and when I saw you press
insistently ahead of her in the alley I felt so bad for Cora.
But my heart also broke a bit for you, to see you make that choice
–or, perhaps, to not even make a choice at all, and simply
think “I can go fast so I will.” In which
case you didn’t consider your sister at all. When I saw you
do that, I became angry – angry that my two girls were going
to have a rough start to the day, angry that this choice
you’d made would define the rest of the trip to school, angry
that there was no consideration for your sister in your choices.
And I let those feelings out when I spoke to you about it,
didn’t I? I pointed out every single thing you did wrong, and
why it was wrong, and how it hurt Cora. And while I may have spoken
the truth, I don’t think I did a good job speaking to you
with love, and for that I apologize. In the Bible, Paul tells us
we’re supposed to encourage each other, and build each other
up, and I tore you down.