Dazed and Confused?
When Maddie was born, the hospital sent us home with a new-parent packet that included a handy little sheet for recording feedings and diaper changes for the first week. We were instructed to fill it out in detail and bring it to our one-week check-up. In addition to space for noting feedings and changings, it helpfully described what the poop should look like each day (black tarry, brown tarry, yellow seedy, etc.) and how many wet and poopys we should have that first week.
When those seven days were up, I continued using the sheet of paper, making notes in the margins for feedings and changes. I found the written log to be not only comforting (look! I am keeping her alive!) but helpful in my sleep-deprivation; I couldn’t remember from one feeding to the next what time I’d started or which breast was used first. I also found solace in seeing my life laid out on that timetable: there was actual proof as to why I was so exhausted all the time, and even a rough pattern emerging.
After a few weeks the sheet was absolutely covered in writing, so I desperately began searching for a baby log book. Having no luck, I ended up making one (picture me, 2 a.m., cookie dough, and Microsoft Publisher). I was finally able to keep track of pumpings, nursing sides, and diaper changes. I also added a couple columns for watching what I ate as we tried to figure out Maddie’s colic, and for medication dosings once we realized Maddie had reflux and needed Zantac. I used this book religiously for Maddie’s first three months and it saved my sanity.
For my second pregnancy, I made another copy of my book right away, not even bothering to see if there was something else on the market. Then I came across Baby Daze and discovered someone had read my mind, made the logbook of my dreams, and even improved upon it.
Baby Daze is not a “how-to” book; it’s your indispensable notebook that helps you keep up with the day-to-day realities of caring for a newborn. With the ability to help you keep track of breastfeeding, pumpings, or bottles, it avoids passing judgment on the whole nursing thing. And they’ve designed the book with multiples in mind so you can use it to help track feedings even if you’ve got twins.
And the mom who designed the book didn’t stop at tracking feeding and diaper changes; she read my mind and created sections for every aspect of new parenting that requires notation. There’s a section to follow baby’s sleep habits, a place to jot questions for the pediatrician and notes from each visit, a food diary for mom as you deal with allergies, and more. I’ve seen a lot of baby log books and have never found one I’d recommend until now. I guess it helps that the inventor is a professional organizer as well as a mom!
At any rate, if you’re expecting or even just looking for a great gift, you’ve got two options that will help save a newborn parent’s sanity: you can make your own book (trust me, a lot of work) or you can let Baby Daze do it for you. Trust me, pick option number 2.
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