I’m 37 weeks, which is full-term in
anyone’s dictionary. My doctor actually tried to prod me into
labor at my weekly visit on Friday – she had another woman
starting and figured she might as well make a weekend of it, thanks
very much. No go, but it shows how happy she’d be with me
kicking it into gear at any time. We’re ready. Except –
I’m sick.
Maddie and I spent last week with some
mild drippiness that never blossomed further, so I wrote it off to
allergies. Then Sunday came and I woke up with a full-blown,
honest-to-God cold.
This is the last thing I want to take with me into the birthing
room, and a sick toddler is the last person I want during a newborn
period – partly because she’ll get the baby sick and
partly because she won’t understand why mommy’s not
there 24/7 to comfort her. So I am praying up a storm that this
miraculously goes away overnight, that Maddie (who is thus far
symptom-free) doesn’t get sick, and that I don’t go
into labor until the household is healthy.
So if you’re the praying type, please add us to your list. I
sure could use a fast recovery, a daughter who avoids the whole
thing, and oh yes, a husband who does too. And add a special prayer
for that same husband, who’s been doing most of the childcare
while Mommy’s out. He’s beat trying to take care of
both of his girls.
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