A Name I Call Myself
This week’s poll is up and running, and is a doozy.
This week
I want to hear how you define yourself as a mother. Are you a stay-at-home
mom? Do you work in the house? Outside the house? Have you made some sort
of unique blend that works for you?
The mommy war – stay-at-homes
vs. work-outside-the-homes – has been supposedly going on for a decade or
so now, and we all bristle at labels. So let’s see which ones you pick for
yourself. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on this and will be eager to
see what you say. I’ve got my own strong opinions on the subject
(surprise!) and hate the idea of being forced into a box myself, so I look
forward to talking about this next week. Please keep in mind that I'm not
trying to make anyone feel bad for the choices she's made; I'm mad at
society for pitting us against each other, for not providing adequate
national daycare options, and more. But I'm getting ahead of myself. So
weigh in on this, and if you think I haven't created a category that
describes you, or you have a unique story to tell, email me - I'd love to
hear about it.
And remember – you don’t need to be a registered
user to vote; simply click to have your voice heard; the poll's on the
right side of this home page, just below all the page tabs.
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