Too Much Object Permanence
Cora and Maddie have been hard at work
making Valentine cards for all their friends; for the past few days
our kitchen’s been a crafting disaster area, with stickers
and glitter glue and tissue paper scattered everywhere. For the
very special friends, both girls are painstakingly affixing a
Hershey kiss to the envelope, and Cora has laboriously written each
friend’s name on each and every envelope.
“There!” Cora said triumphantly yesterday morning.
“I just finished my last Valentine! I’m so
“Good for you!” I said warmly. “Now you just need
to decorate a box for your Valentine mailbox and you’ll be
all ready for Valentine’s Day!”
Cora looked at me, confused. “Silly Mommy – I already
made a box last year! Can you get it out now?”
Um, about that.