Tuesday morning Cora was talking excitedly
about her upcoming ballet class – Tuesday is ballet day for
Cora. “I’m going to take the purple class today,
instead!” she announced.
For those of you who don’t know (and why should you), the
ballet classes are organized by color: the 3-year-old class wears
pink leotards, 4-year-olds wear lilac, 5-year-olds wear light blue,
and so on. Cora, obviously, is in the pink class.
“Baby, actually, you are in the pink class still –
you’ll be in purple next year. Purple is for 4-year-olds, and
you’re still 3,” I said carefully.
Cora looked at me pityingly. “But Mommy, Savannah Jane is in
my class and she’s four years old (true story, since SJ
turned four last month) and I’m better than her (true story
also). So if I can keep up with a four-year-old, I can be in the
four-year-old class.
How do you argue with that?