Dealing With Death
We’ve had a death in our family
recently, and it’s the first time we’ve had to figure
out how to deal with the topic with the girls. It’s still
pretty recent, so I’m not ready to get into a big blog about
it, but I’d sure appreciate any advice anyone has on the
We sat the girls down the day it happened and discussed it plainly
and gently. Cora, at 2 ½, has almost no grasp of death, and
Maddie at 4 ½ isn’t so much further ahead of her. But
Maddie’s mulling it over in her mind, I can tell, and
it’s only a matter of days before she makes that “Hey,
if that relative can die, maybe Mommy or Daddy can too!”
connection. And my girl’s a worrier, so it’s not going
to be something she’ll let go of easily.
Maddie’s got a great relationship with God, and that helps.
But I’m not at my best here, since I’m grieving myself,
and it’s all I can do to keep from snapping and yelling at
them over – literally – spilt milk, so Mommy’s
not helping the situation.
Any suggestions?